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NHS continuing healthcare

NHS continuing healthcare is the name given to a package of care that is arranged and funded by the NHS for individuals outside of hospital who have ongoing health care needs. NHS continuing healthcare can be provided in any setting, including at home or in a care home.

NHS continuing healthcare is free, unlike social services for which a financial charge may be made depending on income and savings. NHS continuing healthcare will be reviewed periodically to see if the person still meets eligibility criteria.

Anyone assessed as having a certain level of care needs may receive NHS continuing healthcare.  

Some people with long-term complex health needs qualify for free social care, arranged and funded by the NHS. This is known as NHS healthcare for complex needs.

Sometimes assessments may be accelerated (fast-tracked), if an urgent package of care is needed when a person's health is deteriorating quickly and the person is felt to be nearing the end of their life.  

For further information view the public information booklet, 'NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care' here

For more information about financial support click here.