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UHBW is smoke free

Patients, visitors and staff are not permitted to smoke anywhere on our  premises, including inside the buildings and outside within our boundaries (signified by a white painted line on the ground). E-cigarettes are also not permitted anywhere on Trust premises.

Why have we done this?

This is to ensure that we actively promote healthy behaviours and minimise the risk of harm to others from passive smoking. 

This policy is in line with The Health Act (2006) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance on smoking in secondary care services (2013).

Smoking is the main cause of preventable illness and premature death in England. It causes a wide range of diseases and medical conditions, including cancers, respiratory diseases, coronary heart disease, impotence and infertility. 

What does this mean for me?

We appreciate that our patients may have a planned or unplanned hospital visit and in preparation of a planned admission, the best thing you can do as a smoker, is to contact your local stop smoking service in advance to find out about stop smoking support.  Alternatively, you can contact your GP or Pharmacy and ask for nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to use during your hospital stay. This will help to reduce your craving for cigarettes whilst you are in hospital and you can start using the product before you arrive, if you wish.

If you have an unplanned or emergency admission, you will be able to ask any nurse or doctor to give you NRT to help with your nicotine withdrawal symptoms. We offer a range of options.

Further information