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16 December 2013

Women pleased with maternity experience at St Michael’s Hospital

In the Care Quality Commission's (CQC) Survey of women's experience of maternity services 2013, women rated the communication they received during labour and birth at St Michael's Hospital as being better than the national average. St Michael's also scored higher than the national average for treating women with kindness and understanding after the birth of their baby.

Out of the 17 survey questions assessed by the CQC, UH Bristol scored in line with the national average on 14 questions and better than the national average on three. The survey covered 137 acute Trust in England and received responses from more than 23,000 women who had a baby in February this year covering care during labour and birth and post-natal care.  

Sarah Windfeld, head of midwifery at UH Bristol, says: "Our maternity services are always striving to improve the experience our patients have while they are under our care as staff recognise what an important event pregnancy, birth and the post natal period is for parents and their families.  The feedback we get from women and their families is taken very seriously, discussed and action taken when a need to improve our services is identified."