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30 July 2013

Winner of BRI façade design competition announced

The winner of the competition to redesign the front of the Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI) has been announced as Nieto Sobejano, the Madrid-based architectural firm. 

The firm's proposed design, 'Veil', was selected as the winning design by the Board of University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) following a recommendation from the panel overseeing the competition, which includes representatives from UH Bristol, Bristol's creative community, and art consultancy Willis Newson. 

The panel individually scored presentations and interviews by each architect and these were collated into a final consensus score, along with feedback from the general public.  

Robert Woolley, Chief Executive of UH Bristol, said: "After careful consideration of all three proposals we believe that Nieto Sobejano's design is the one that most strongly meets the original aims of the commission, namely to create a landmark building for Bristol that is non-threatening and welcoming, enhances the streetscape and public realm, and reflects, through excellence in design, our reputation for clinical excellence.

"I'd like to thank the hundreds of people, including our staff, patients and members of the public, who provided feedback and ranked their favourite designs, either online or in person. All of the feedback was considered and the public vote was given a weight of 20% in the overall score.

"The next steps for us are to explore the different options we could take to ensure we have the funds to realise the proposed design and ensure it is maintained over the years to come." 

UH Bristol launched the design competition at the end of last year when six international artists/architects, including representatives from Bristol and the UK, put forward design concepts to improve the appearance of the front of the BRI and address shortcomings in the fabric of the building.

Nieto Sobejano's 'Veil' design was shortlisted in March alongside 'Vertical Garden' by Tham and Videgard, architects and designers based in Stockholm, Sweden; and 'Light and Air' by Solid Objectives - Idenburg Liu (SO-IL), an idea-based design office in New York, USA.