23 June 2015
We have signed up to safety

We are holding a launch event from 10am to 12pm on 31
July in lecture theatre one, Education Centre, and are asking as
many staff, patients and public to attend. Please come and join our
campaign. If you would like to attend, please email
signuptosafety@uhbristol.nhs.uk or tweet us
We are proud to announce that we have launched a new three year
patient safety improvement campaign called 'Sign up to Safety'.
This project is part of a national campaign that aims to make
the NHS in England the safest healthcare system in the world. The
ambition for the NHS in England is to halve avoidable harm in the
NHS and save 6,000 lives as a result.
Sign up to Safety aims to deliver harm-free care for every
patient, every time, everywhere. It champions openness and
honesty and supports everyone to improve the safety of
This ambition is bigger than any individual or organisation and
achieving it requires us all to unite behind this common purpose.
We need to give patients confidence that we are doing all we can to
ensure that the care they receive will be safe and effective at all
What is unique and fundamentally different is that this campaign
is about bottom up, locally owned change and it is for
You can read our pledges here.