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10 January 2017

Update on the local health and social care system

The Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire health and social care system is continuing to experience significant pressures and is currently (10 January) at operational pressures escalation level (OPEL) 4.

This means that there is severe pressure across the local health and social care system requiring decisive action to maintain safe, clinical services.

Local health and care partners have implemented agreed plans to manage demand and restore capacity across the system, including:

  • Recalling hospital and community healthcare operational staff from non-escalation activity, including cancelling non-essential training, and redeploying staff to specific escalation teams/areas requiring support
  • Rescheduling non-urgent operations and outpatient appointments where possible to free clinical capacity to treat patients needing urgent care
  • Using all available escalation bed capacity within hospitals and community wards
  • Increasing out-of-hours GP capacity and community healthcare support to reduce pressures on A&E units.
  • Residents are encouraged to help by choosing the most appropriate services for their needs and using A&E for serious and life-threatening emergencies only.

See more here.