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17 November 2017

UH Bristol welcomes Roy Lilley and Dr Terri Porrett to celebrate Fab Change Week


Embracing the chance to share best practice, staff at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) have been pledging, as part of a national NHS initiative, their ideas and solutions they believe can have a positive impact on patients, visitors and staff.

The initiative, Fab Change Week, was derived from The Academy of Fabulous NHS stuff, set up by Roy Lilley and associates; with a vision that NHS staff can share good ideas, innovations and concepts that are the backbone of the NHS. Fab Change Week celebrates the opportunity for colleagues across the NHS to make pledges, from one of five pledge themes that can be achieved by an individual, team or trust wide effort.

Banging the pledge drums and supporting staff to come forward with their concepts are UH Bristol's Fab Change Ambassadors, Natasha Rolls and Liz May. The dynamic duo, both adult stoma care nurses, have approached colleagues across the Trust successfully showcasing the workforce's dedication to providing Outstanding practice.

Natasha Rolls, stoma care nurse and Fab Change Ambassador at UH Bristol, said: "Fab Change Week has enabled colleagues at UH Bristol to share original ideas that can make a big difference to the way we work. Some pledges may seem simple, but the intention is to cover as many of the pledge themes which include staff well-being, patient experience and patient safety.

"To highlight a handful of these pledges already in action, we have been privileged to welcome Roy Lilley and Dr Terri Porrett to our hospitals for a tour that saw a number of the pledge themes covered.

"The Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) showcased how they are using Makaton to improve patient experience, both children's and adult ED demonstrated excellent initiatives in improving patient safety and facilitating better discharge protocols and the three wards we visited, A900,A800 and A600 showed how staff derived innovation and development is happening throughout UHB with an emphasis on excellent care of patients and each other. The real spirit of fab change was embraced by all in the Trust."

Roy Lilley, said: "We had a spectacularly good visit to your hospitals, and saw some fabulous pledges being turned into real actions.

"There are real improvements, real things that are happening in real time, done by real people.

"Our thanks to the Board, the chief executive, all the management team and all the staff we've met, you're all fab heroes!"

To learn more about Fab Change Week and to read pledges made nationally, please click here

You can also follow the activity on Twitter by searching #FabChangeWeek