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30 July 2018

UH Bristol Radiology Services awarded ISAS accreditation

Radiology Accredidation

 UH Bristol Radiology Services have been awarded ISAS (Imaging Services Accreditation Scheme) accreditation.

Jointly developed by the Royal College of Radiologists and the College of Radiographers, this patient-focused assessment and accreditation programme is run by the UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) and recognised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

ISAS is designed to help diagnostic imaging services ensure that their patients consistently receive high quality services, delivered by competent staff working in safe environments.

ISAS provides a defined structure, focusing on five key areas: leadership & management, clinical, facilities & resources, patient experience and safety.

The radiology team's journey commenced in 2016, whilst preparing for re-certification with ISO9001 which has been held since 1991. It was felt that a more radiology focused programme (for which ISAS is the only nationally recognised accreditation scheme) would look deeper into the services's processes and help the team further improve ways of working.

Gathering evidence against the standard whilst maintaining service delivery was a challenging experience.  However, the team have learned the importance of having a streamlined document control system and standardisation for processes.  The evidence gathering has led to separate imaging teams and professionals working more closely; sharing good practice across radiology modalities and radiology sites across the Trust. 

The assessments comprised of detailed web-based submissions and an on-site visit by 12 assessors over two days. 

This has been a whole team effort, and it is down to the hard work of everyone across all the sites both frontline and behind the scenes that has enabled us to gain this massive achievement.

The focus is now to build on what has been achieved to maintain this accreditation for many years to come.