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15 August 2018

UH Bristol is going smoke free

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is going smoke free from 1 January 2019.

Currently no smoking is allowed inside Trust buildings and signage is in place asking people to not smoke outside UH Bristol buildings.

From 1 January 2019 no smoking, including using vapes or e-cigarettes, will be allowed within the Trust's boundaries.

The Trust will step up efforts from 1 January with regular walkabouts to ask people to stop smoking within the Trust's boundaries. Smokers will also be signposted to support and advice to quit smoking.

Matt Joint, director of people at UH Bristol, said: "As a healthcare provider we have a role to play in promoting healthy living and offering support to staff and patients who want to give up smoking.

"As part of this we're committed to going completely smoke free, which is something Public Health England has asked all Trusts to do.

"We receive regular complaints from patients, visitors, parents of children and staff about people smoking in our entrances or near buildings where windows might be open and as a healthcare provider it's important that we address these issues."

Ros Badman, clinical nurse specialist for respiratory at UH Bristol, added: "As health professionals working for the NHS we have a moral imperative to do all we can to help people give up smoking and increase their chance of living longer, healthier lives.

"By making the Trust a supportive smoke free environment where treatment of tobacco dependence is fully integrated into clinical pathways, we can support everyone to be smoke free.

"Please do not smoke outside our hospitals; the NHS exists to look after people's health. Even smoking outside can harm our patients by delaying their recovery time or causing complications, as well as those visiting and working in NHS buildings.

"Every time you smoke you breathe out second hand smoke. Around 85% of second hand smoke is invisible and odourless, yet it can spread through windows, doors and ventilation shafts, harming those inside. We also know that one person smoking will make someone else more likely to light up too."

If you would like information about quitting smoking, please visit, call the Smokefree national helpline on 0300 123 1044, or drop into your local pharmacy for advice.


SOCIAL Smoke Free