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19 July 2019

UH Bristol doctor wins award for embodying NHS values

Dr Layth Tameem, anaesthesia registrar at UH Bristol, has won the Trainee/Student Educator Award at an annual awards ceremony run by Health Education England.

The annual Healthcare Education and Training (HEAT) Awards, run by Health Education England (HEE), aim to celebrate the very best of education and training in the NHS workforce and help foster an environment of compassionate, high-quality care.

The awards are held annually, with winners and finalists coming from all over the NHS.          

Layth's award submission said:

"His commitment to maintaining his own high standards in training, and his boundless enthusiasm in supporting his colleagues to do the same, makes him a truly inspirational educator of trainees and worthy of this nomination".

 As well as his role as anaesthesia registrar at UH Bristol, Layth is also founder and director of and the Well and Resilient Doctors (WARD) group. He co-founded WARD with the aim of encouraging open conversation about mental health.

Speaking about the award, Layth said:

"I was absolutely thrilled to receive this award. I'm proud of all my colleagues in the WARD group and what we're achieving in trying to improve the working lives of junior doctors."

Layth Tameem

Entrants were nominated by colleagues with the winners chosen after three rounds of judging. Winners were announced at a ceremony on 18 July at the Royal College of Physicians in London, at the culmination of NHS Values Week. Values Week seeks to encourage staff to think about and share how they put the values of the NHS into practice, helping to make the NHS the very best place to work.

To find out more about the Healthcare Education and Training Awards, or about NHS Values Week, visit the Health Education England website.