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22 June 2016

UH Bristol's response to Ben Condon inquest

We are very sad that Ben Condon died in our care. It is particularly sad when a baby who is only a few weeks old, such as Ben, dies. It is a tragedy for the parents and family, and brings great sadness to our nurses and doctors who want to do their best for every child treated at the hospital.

Ben was admitted to our children's intensive care unit during the early hours of 11th April 2015 with ongoing respiratory problems and died on 17th April.  An inquest into the death took place at Avon Coroner's Court on 21st and 22nd June 2016.

The coroner listened carefully to all the evidence, from hospital consultants and from an independent expert, and found that Ben died due to viral bronchiolitis which was caused by human metapneumovirus, the trigger for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. It was the effects of this condition which led to his catastrophic deterioration and death on 17th April 2015.

In her summing up, the Coroner confirmed that antibiotics, prescribed on the day Ben died, should have been given earlier that day, although she was clear this would have made no difference to the outcome.

We extend our condolences to Ben's family.