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20 December 2011

Trusts launch new carers’ charter

North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) and University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) have launched a new charter that aims to promote a culture that recognises the vital role carers play within our hospitals. 

A carer is someone who provides care for someone else who is unable to look after themselves due to factors such as illness, disability or old age. 

Both trusts value the vital work done by carers and, the new carers' charter sets out our commitment to work together with them as expert partners in patients' care. 

The charter sets out a number of commitments. These are: 

  • Ensuring the role carers play is valued by all staff who will respect, listen and understand carers and what they do. We will identify carers as early as possible when a patient is admitted. 
  • We will inform carers of their legal rights and provide information about the range of support and advice services available to them. We recognise the importance of their needs being met and will support them to have breaks away from the ward when they are needed. 
  • We will ensure that carers are involved in the planning and delivery of our services and they are listened to and involved. 
  • With the consent of the person they care for, we will provide information that is appropriate, timely and accessible. We will involve them in decision-making whiles respecting the need for confidentiality for both them and the person they are caring for. 
  • We will develop a strategy in both trusts for involving young carers including more training, support and recognition of young carers and the valuable role they play in the health of our patients. 
  • We will include them in discharge planning and provide information on medication and care after discharge. 

Marie-Noelle Orzel, Director of Nursing at NBT, said: "Carers are vitally important - they provide a unique link between the patient and our staff. This charter sets out how we can support them so they can help us. It's an important partnership and one we are 100 percent committed to." 

Alison Moon, Chief Nurse at UH Bristol, said: "Very often carers have looked after their loved ones for very many years before they come to us as patients. By working with carers, involving them in the care of the patient and listening to them, we can make the patient's stay in hospital a lot more comfortable." 

For more information, contact the press offices at NBT on 0117 340 6779 or UH Bristol at 0117 342 3718.