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09 January 2015

Trust response to coroner’s ruling at the inquest into the death of Lacey-Marie Poton

All quotes attributable to a spokesperson for University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust:

"Lacey-Marie was diagnosed before birth with complex congenital heart disease and was treated several times at both St Michael's Hospital and the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.

"Shortly before she died at the age of 4 months, Lacey-Marie underwent a cardiology procedure and was discharged home the next day after a thorough review by clinical staff. She returned to the emergency department later that day suffering from the symptoms of gastroenteritis but was not suffering from any complications as a result of her cardiac condition. After comprehensive clinical assessment and observation, clinical staff judged there was no need to admit her to hospital and she was discharged home.

"The coroner's independent conclusion is that the cause of Lacey-Marie's subsequent sudden deterioration is unknown but she made no criticisms of the care Lacey-Marie received at the Bristol Children's Hospital. We would like to reiterate our deepest condolences to her family."