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27 July 2016

The Trust wellbeing team collect national Workplace Wellbeing Charter award

 wellbeing award

 From left to right: Claire Haley, Phoebe Hall and Melanie Fewkes

Councillor Fi Hance, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing presented the award to Melanie Fewkes, Associate Director of Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing, Barry Lane, Business Manager and Jan Simpson Staff counsellor both in Avon Partnership NHS Occupational Health Sevices, Claire Haley, Staff benefits & Wellbeing Lead and Phoebe Hall, Wellbeing Project Administrator.

Commenting on the award Melanie Fewkes said, "The main driver for achieving the workplace wellbeing charter is to have a 'willing' champion at all levels of management commencing with Director Level. I was also lucky to have a small team of two in wellbeing who worked tirelessly to achieve the standards and the evidence required to prove our position, helped by the team in Occupational Health and Safety at Corporate level. We also had trust wide 'virtual team' who were interviewed on the assessment day many of whom had undertaken initiatives advertised as well as written testimonials from staff accessing services such as counselling. On 2 June just a week after the assessment, I was delighted to receive the news that we had achieved all 8 standards, it was such a relief. Now we have a chance to maintain these standards and improve in 7 of them hopefully to excellence where Health and Safety already sits, in the next 2 years it's a great framework to follow".