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05 June 2015

Summer safety campaign encourages kids to jump for joy

Parents across Bristol are being encouraged to teach their children how to use garden trampolines safely in order to enjoy an injury free summer.

Avonsafe Bristol, the local injury prevention organisation, has commissioned the campaign and teamed up with University Hospitals Bristol and local charity Lifeskills in order to communicate messages about how to have fun safely.


In Bristol during 2013 almost 15,500 children aged 0 - 15 years needed emergency treatment at hospital. An estimated 2.5% (387) of the injuries happened when using garden trampolines and it is likely that thousands of minor injuries which didn't require emergency treatment will have occurred.

Dr Giles Haythornthwaite, paediatric emergency medicine consultant at University Hospitals Bristol, said: "Across the country, a surprising number of children are taken to hospital with garden trampoline-related injuries, which are often the result of using the equipment incorrectly. The most common injuries are limb fractures, including more serious open fractures and elbow fractures, which can often require surgery. Significant head and neck injuries are also possible.

"With summer just around the corner, it's important that parents know how to set up garden trampolines correctly and follow the golden rules, such as just one person jumping at a time."

To raise awareness with parents, posters and leaflets will be displayed in key locations such as GP surgeries, schools and Bristol children's hospital, as well as in toy stores where people can buy garden trampolines.

To engage with the children directly, Lifeskills is running a competition with all Bristol primary schools where pupils can win a free trampoline session at local club, Axis.

Councillor Daniella Radice, Assistant Mayor for Neighbourhoods with responsibility for Public Health, said: "Trampolines are great fun for children but their use is risky and should only be used by one child at a time. If you can get your children to a trampolining club, this will build up their trampolining skills in a safe environment".

Rob Benington, from Public Health Bristol, said: "Bristol has excellent trampoline clubs where children can use a proper Olympic sized trampoline and learn skills that might start a habit that can last a lifetime. This summer we are encouraging parents to take their children to visit the clubs so they can 'try before you buy' - and we hope lots of school children will engage with the Lifeskills competition as well."

For more information or to download the safety poster visit

Details about Axis Trampoline Club can be found here: