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12 March 2013

Study findings praises quality of care at UH Bristol

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) is one of just four NHS trusts in England that scores in the top 20 trusts for both overall quality of care and care for lung cancer patients.

This is the conclusion reached by a study conducted by MPH Health Mandate, a specialist health policy and communications consultancy.  The study surveyed members of the public to find out what matters to them when choosing a hospital and sets out how the public would prioritise different quality issues. Using this information, the study weights the performance of different NHS hospitals to produce an aggregate quality score.    

Using this methodology, UH Bristol is rated ninth for quality of lung cancer care. When the trusts whose results are not statistically significant are stripped out, UH Bristol scores 18 out of 84 trusts for overall quality.

Dr Sean O' Kelly, Medical Director for UH Bristol, said: "We strive to provide excellent care to our patients and it is good to hear that the care our staff provide rates so highly. The city of Bristol has a long association with the tobacco industry and I am particularly pleased that our care for lung cancer patients rates so well.

"We strive to understand the quality of patient experience and put ourselves in our patients' shoes so a study that looks at the quality of services in this way is very interesting. Here at UH Bristol we encourage patients to feed back to us in a number of ways. This includes speaking to members of staff, filling in a comment card, taking part in our regular surveys or attending an event. In the last 12 months, over 12,000 people have provided us with feedback via one of our regular patient surveys. Many others have given feedback via comments cards, our patient interview programme, and patient and public involvement events, giving us incredibly valuable feedback on our services."