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06 July 2016

Staff and patients take part in charity skydive for Teenage Cancer Trust

A few weeks ago some of our staff and outpatients from the Teenager and Young Adult (TYA) unit at the Bristol Haematology and Oncology CentreTCT Skydive took part in a charity skydive, raising over £6,000 for Teenage Cancer Trust.

Hannah Lind, a TYA youth support coordinator, was one of those who took the plunge. 

"We were all first time divers and were filled with an equal measure of fear and excitement," she said.

"It felt like I had been waiting forever when my name was called, I jumped up and was escorted to the plane by my very lovely instructor who was very reassuring and friendly.

"As we started ascending it felt like we were really high, I looked out the window and thought we must be nearly there, but it turned out we still had another 9,000ft to go!

TCT Skydive 2

"From the point the door was opened it was all a bit of a blur, I was shuffled to the edge and went out, tumbling around so I didn't know which way was up! We then steadied ourselves and were free falling at 120mph for around half a minute until the parachute was pulled.

"The remaining five minutes spent floating down were so peaceful, silent and sunny.

"Everyone who took part had a really great experience and I am sure would thoroughly recommend it to anyone brave enough to give it a go."

Rhiannon Deamer, 17, was one of the outpatients from the TYA unit who took part. 

When talking about the skydive, she said: "It went so quick, but it felt amazing."

TCT Skydive 3

"I raised around £800 for the charity in the lead up to the day. I fundraised at my college and held a week full of special talks, as well as holding a bake sale and having a Just Giving page set up.

"I ended up winning a Good Samaritan Award at my college for the work I'd done, which I wasn't expecting but was a lovely surprise.

"I'd definitely be up for doing more fundraising for the charity in the future."

Teenage Cancer Trust is the only UK charity dedicated to improving the quality of life and chances of survival for the seven young people diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK.

They build specialist units inside NHS hospitals, bringing young people together to be treated by cancer experts in a place designed just by them for them.

For more information on doing a skydive for Teenage Cancer Trust, or something a little more down to earth, please get in touch with Melissa Kent on