06 August 2014
St Michael’s Hospital celebrate World Breast Feeding Week
To celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, midwives at St Michael's
Hospital have been raising the awareness of the benefits of
breastfeeding by giving out certificates to mums who have taken the
decision to breast feed. 
World Breastfeeding Week runs from August 1 - 7 and highlights
the importance of increasing protection, promotion and
support for breastfeeding. St Michael's Hospital is a UNICEF Baby
Friendly accredited hospital, achieving reaccreditation in May of
this year, promoting breastfeeding for its health benefits.
Throughout World Breastfeeding Week 2014, staff at the hospital
have been handing out certificates, provided by Public Health
England with the Bristol breastfeeding logo, celebrating mother and
baby on their breastfeeding journey.
Joan Beales, infant feeding coordinator at St Michael's
Hospital, said: "We promote and support breast feeding here at St
Michael's for many reasons because it's beneficial to mother and
baby. Babies who are breast fed are at less risk of diarrhoea
and vomiting, chest and ear infections and obesity which can lead
to diabetes and heart disease. Reducing these risks also lowers the
chances of readmission to hospital.
"Mothers who breast feed can burn up to 500 calories a day,
aiding the process to shift any excess weight from a pregnancy. It
can also lower the risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer as
well as osteoporosis later on in life. Mothers who choose to breast
feed often experience a huge sense of achievement when they can
feed their baby."
Helen Driscoll, patient at St Michael's hospital and mother to
new-born Isaac, said: "We've chosen to breastfeed because it's
natural. It's all natural and it's good for the baby. It
apparently reduces breast cancer and cervical cancer, so I've
heard. I think there are a lot of positives, it's cheaper; we're
thinking about doing it for six months, so it's free for six