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30 November 2011

Services on 30th November

"All of our services (planned and emergency) are running as planned.

"We planned in partnership with union representatives and staff to enable us to provide good quality care to patients on 30 November. Our good working relationship with staff and union representatives means that we shared information, knew which services would be affected, and planned clinics and elective procedures accordingly. We will monitor the situation closely throughout the day and will take further action as and when necessary.

"Appointments for clinics and elective procedures have all been booked in the normal way. Patients who have confirmed appointments with us should come to hospital as arranged.

"If we need to unexpectedly cancel any appointments we will contact those patients who are affected. We have established a dedicated number (0117 342 4000) for patients to call if they have any queries. The number will be staffed today from 7am - 6pm."

James Rimmer, Chief Operating Officer for University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust