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12 September 2016

Search is on to find Bristol’s first Healthcare Change Makers

A new drive to find local residents to become Bristol's first Healthcare Change Makers is underway.

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust has joined forces with Bristol Community Health and North Bristol NHS Trust as part of a new approach to boosting the voice of local people in the way their services are planned and delivered. 

Sixteen Healthcare Change Makers are being recruited with the aim that they will represent all communities in the city as part of a new group to influence and shape hospital and community services.  Volunteers are being offered professional training in advocacy, problem solving, presentation skills and negotiation in return for attending four to six meetings a year and representing their local communities.  Expenses for travel and caring responsibilities will be paid.

Healthcare Change Makers Project Co-ordinator Nick Dean said:

"Bristol's hospitals and community services are making a real step change in the way that we involve our patients and users in planning and adapting our services. 

"Our Healthcare Change Makers might have ideas from their experiences of being in hospital or caring for someone at home.  It could be views on anything ranging from visiting hours to transport links or on topics from the national health agenda.

"If anyone has enthusiasm, drive and commitment about their local healthcare, with great ideas and a willingness to collaborate we'd love to hear from them.  We can offer free professional training and the chance to be part of a new opportunity to influence senior decision-makers and shape healthcare in Bristol."

Director of Centre for Patient Leadership and Senior Consultant at The King's Fund Mark Doughty said:

"This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested to join a nationally recognised programme and become part of a team getting involved in the future of local healthcare in Bristol"

Two information sessions are available for anyone who wants to know more or who needs help in filling application forms.    They are:

Monday 26 September 12.30 - 2pm at The Vassall Centre, Fishponds; and

Tuesday 27 September 6 - 7.30pm at The Future Inn, Cabot Circus

For more information and to register interest visit