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21 July 2016

Scar Free Foundation launches campaign

Scar Free Foundation has launched their campaign to achieve scar free healing within a generation and transform the lives of those living with disfiguring conditions.

1. Scarring is common, costly and deeply affects those it touches, as well as the people closest to them. Internal scarring can be life threatening. Scar free healing will transform lives.

Through the Scar Free Appeal, we will deliver scar free healing within a generation to create the biggest impact in medicine since antibiotics and anesthetic.

2. Scar free healing is achievable. The time is right and the UK is the best place to lead.

We are at a unique moment in time thanks to recent scientific advances that put us in reach of scar free healing treatments. The Scar Free Appeal will make this a reality.

3. The Scar Free Foundation is the only organisation in the world offering the leadership, collaboration and funding to deliver.

The Scar Free Foundation has a single-minded aim and will raise £24m within the next five years to kick start and internationally relevant programme of work.
