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16 June 2017

Residents urged to plan ahead for heatwave

Health experts from Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are encouraging residents to plan ahead for possible heatwave conditions over the next few days.

Warnings come after the Met Office suggested there is a 60% chance of heatwave conditions on Sunday and Monday in the south west of England, with the hottest temperatures likely to come during the day on Monday.

Speaking on behalf of the three CCGs, Clinical Chair for South Gloucestershire CCG Dr Jonathan Hayes said, "During hot spells, vulnerable groups such as the elderly feel the acute effects of heat more than others and it's long been recognised that death rates rise in the early stages of heatwaves.

"Even if temperatures do not hit extreme levels, residents are still encouraged to keep safe in the sun, seek shade to cool down and keep hydrated with plenty of cool fluids.

"People should also remember that it can get uncomfortably hot indoors too. Bedroom and living spaces can be kept cool, by closing the curtains on windows that receive the sun and opening windows at cooler times of the day and overnight when possible."

Top advice for being sun safe:

  • Try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm
  • Wear UV sunglasses, preferably wraparound, to reduce UV exposure to the eyes
  • Walk in the shade whenever possible
  • Apply sunscreen of at least SPF15 with UVA protection
  • Wear a hat and light, loose-fitting cotton clothes to minimise the risk of sunburn
  • Drink lots of cool drinks
  • Look out for others especially vulnerable groups such as the older people, young children and babies and those with serious illnesses
  • Never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young children or animals
  • Non-essential lights and electrical items should also be turned off as these generate heat.

More information on coping with hot spells is available on local health commissioners' websites at: