26 March 2018
Research finds orbital radiotherapy should not be used to treat thyroid eye disease

The first NHS-led clinical trial for thyroid eye disease (TED) -
also called Graves' orbitopathy (GO) - a disfiguring condition
causing protruding eyes, double vision and swelling around the eyes
affecting mostly women - has shown that currently widely used,
expensive and time-consuming radiotherapy treatment, does not help
patients who are also given steroid tablets.
However, disease severity was reduced in patients who also
received antiproliferative immunosuppressive drugs if they were
able to tolerate these medications. The study, led by
researchers at the Universities of Bristol and Cardiff together
with Bristol Eye Hospital and Moorfields Eye Hospital in London and
conducted across 11 NHS Hospitals, is published in the
Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.
The trial took the research team ten years to complete and was
funded by a group of medical research charities (National Eye Research
Centre, Above and
Beyond - the charity for Bristol's city centre hospitals, and
Moorfields Eye
Charity) underpinned by the research infrastructure of the
Dr Richard Lee, Consultant Senior Lecturer in the Bristol
Medical School: THS, consultant at Bristol Eye
Hospital and deputy director,
NIHR Moorfields Clinical Research Facility said: "CIRTED
(combined immunosuppression and radiotherapy in thyroid eye
disease) is the only multi-centre UK trial to have been conducted
into this disfiguring and visually disabling condition.
"Our research was jointly published with the
MINGO trial, which both support the use of antiproliferative
immunosuppressive drugs in patients with TED."
Colin Dayan and
Dr Peter Taylor, from the School of Medicine at Cardiff
University, added: "The CIRTED and MINGO trials found that TED
patients treated with steroids would also benefit from an
antiproliferative drug, such as Mycophenolate, and they should not
receive orbital radiotherapy."