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28 February 2020

Quality Strategy 2020-2025

Subject to regulatory approvals, on 1 April 2020, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and Weston Area Health NHS Trust will merge  to form a new organisation called University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust. To coincide with this, we will be developing a new five year Quality Strategy, setting out our plans for continuing to provide the highest quality healthcare: safe, caring and timely services that lead to the best possible clinical outcomes for our patients. National, local and Trust factors influencing our thinking include the recently published NHS Patient Safety Strategy, and how we can best work with our partners in healthcare for the benefit of the people of Bristol and Weston. As part of developing our new Quality Strategy, we are seeking the views of a wide range of people including the public, our staff, Trust members, governors and other stakeholders.

Please could you take a few moments of your time to answer two questions? Your answers will help inform our strategy for 2020 to 2025 as well as our annual quality improvement goals for 2020/21: