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27 June 2018

Plans prepared for new Hospital Transport Hub

Plans for a new Hospital Transport Hub in Bristol have been developed to make it easier for patients and visitors to access the city's hospitals.

The proposals would provide more parking spaces intended for patients and visitors who travel to hospital by car as a medical necessity, double the number of secure cycle spaces for staff and provide a link for the existing free hospital shuttle bus. Discussions are also under way to see how public transport could link to the hub.Artist impression 1

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust has been looking at ways to improve access to its hospitals for patients, visitors and staff, as parking on site is limited. There are currently 300 car park spaces for patients and visitors but in 2016/17 there were almost one million patient attendances at the Trust's hospitals.

Staff, patients and visitors travelling to the Trust's hospitals are encouraged to use the bus, cycle or walk. But sustainable travel can be impossible for those with certain medical conditions and they will either drive or be given a lift by a relative or friend out of necessity.

A research* snapshot by the Trust suggests that 32% of people who drive do so due to a medical reason, including patients who live locally and further afield. Those people who must travel long distances to our specialist regional services, like those for child burns and brain injuries, may also find it difficult to use public transport for their journey.

The Trust is aware that finding a parking space can be a challenge for patients and visitors as parking on site is limited. In some cases this means patients are late for their appointment or even miss it altogether and the difficulty in finding a parking space causes unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Now the Trust has developed plans for a new Hospital Transport Hub on Eugene Street. The hub would include a new multi-storey car park with 820 parking spaces (628 more spaces than the Trust currently has in its smaller car parks). The majority of these spaces (680 spaces) would be for patients and visitors who need to park close-by, including 34 disabled spaces, an increase of 27. The car park would complement and blend into its surroundings.

The hub would include a 400 space secure indoor staff cycle park - doubling the amount of cycle parking provision currently provided for staff.

Carolyn Mills, chief nurse, said: "Patients, families and visitors who need nearby parking due to their medical condition regularly tell us how difficult it is to find a parking space on site.

"We encourage people travelling to our hospitals to use public transport, cycle or walk, but we know these options aren't always possible.

 "We've been looking at ways we can help patients and visitors get to our hospitals and have developed proposals for a new Hospital Transport Hub which would increase the number of parking spaces close to our hospitals and reduce the anxiety of having to find somewhere to park."

Dr Mark Smith, chief operating officer and deputy chief executive and a former GP, added: "I know how important it is for patients to be able to access car parking when they are attending appointments, especially when there is a medical necessity.

"Additional parking spaces, which would only be available for patients and visitors with a small number provided for our staff, would help to improve patient and visitor experience.

"We're committed to supporting sustainable travel and playing our part in supporting efforts to find solutions to the city's transport pressures.

"Our plans also include doubling the number of secure cycle parking spaces for staff to 400, providing new changing facilities and linking in with public transport services.

"We want to hear people's experiences of travelling to our hospitals and their views about our proposals and I'd encourage people to share their feedback with us."

An information drop-in session about the Hospital Transport Hub plans will be held from 4.30pm until 8.30pm on 19 July 2018 in the Level 9 Restaurant at the Bristol Royal Infirmary, BS2 8HW.

The Trust has spent many months developing these plans to fully understand the issues and views of all stakeholders and expects to submit a planning application for the proposed transport hub later in summer 2018.

The existing multi-storey car park next to Trust Headquarters and two other small car parks near the proposed hub would be closed if the plans for the new hub are approved.

The 820 spaces within the hub would include 140 spaces for staff who meet the criteria for on-site parking set out in the Trust's parking policy. These spaces would replace the spaces in the multi-storey car park next to Trust Headquarters which would be closed. Two other small car parks near the proposed hub would be closed if the plans for the new hub are approved.

If planning permission is granted for the proposed hub, the residential properties Montague, Marlborough and Eugene Flats, would need to be removed.

UH Bristol is in regular contact with the flats' residents and has committed to giving them at least six months' notice of the date that the Trust will require vacant possession of the flats.

More information about the proposals can be found at

Details of how to get involved and have your say can be found here

Further information:

The Trust encourages people to use sustainable ways to get to its hospitals wherever possible and appropriate and offers a free HUBS shuttle bus on weekdays.

Staff have access to:

  • Regular cycle to work schemes offering discounted bikes
  • Discounted park and ride bus seasons tickets
  • The Trust also encourages staff to take part in the Big Green Scheme which works to reduce our environmental impact across all areas including energy, transport and procurement.

 *The research for these statistics is based on 200 face-to-face and online survey results. More information can be found at