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06 December 2012

Patients praise care in Accident and Emergency at the Bristol Royal Infirmary

A national survey of NHS accident and emergency departments has shown that the Adult ED at the Bristol Royal Infirmary scored highly in a number of key areas when compared to the other 146 acute trusts in England. 

The Care Quality Commission's Accident and Emergency Patient Survey Report for 2012 highlighted that the department was among the best nationally in ratings from patients for their care and treatment; for the doctors and nurses and their communication and listening skills; and for level of information about aftercare on leaving the ED.  

Patients felt that doctors and nurses listened to what they had to say and explained their condition and treatment in a way they could understand.  They also had confidence and trust in the doctors and nurses examining and treating them;  they could discuss their anxieties or fears about their condition treatment with a doctor or a nurse; felt they were involved in decisions about their care and treatment and were treated with respect and dignity. 

Overall, UH Bristol scored well or about the same as other hospital trusts in all recorded answers. 

Chief Nurse Alison Moon says:  "We are delighted that so many of our patients rate our Emergency Department so highly, particularly in key areas such as the standard of care received from our staff. We understand that a visit to the Emergency Department is an anxious time for patients and we are delighted that they rate they have confidence in our doctors and nurses, rate their listening skills so highly and are given the information they need before leaving the department." 

"This survey is a demonstration that ED staff continue to work hard to deliver a high quality of service.  It is also an invaluable guide to the views of our patients on all aspects of their experience in ED and we will use this feedback in our continuing programme to improve standards of care.  

"In addition, the £1.5 million improvements work carried out in the Emergency Department are nearing completion and the enhancements made to the environment will further benefit our patients in the future." 

The survey was carried out by the Commission in January, February and March of this year.