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31 October 2014

Over 60 and feeling under the weather?

Winter marketing poster

5 Top Tips if you're feeling under the weather

During the winter colds, flus and other seemingly minor illnesses can, if left untreated, become more serious.  It's most important for older people, or those with existing health conditions. 

Richard Brown, Chief Officer at Avon Local Pharmacy Committee which represents local pharmacists in South Gloucestershire, Bristol and North Somerset, said: "Evidence shows us that older people are much more likely to end up having to be admitted to hospital during the winter months with conditions that, with some advice and support from a pharmacist, could have been treated."

1)    If you are feeling under the weather, seek advice from your local pharmacist.
Pharmacists are experts in providing medical information and advice and have at least five years' medical training, and often a lot more.  You can just drop in to see your pharmacist and many have private consultation areas.  They can also advise on any over the counter remedies available and, if you need specialist medical advice, can point you in the right direction.

2)    Don't delay, visit today
Taking action early really can help, with many conditions worsening over time.  If you're coughing, sneezing or wheezing, get some help.

3)    Maintain a well-stocked medicine cabinet
There are lots of things that you can buy to ease your discomfort when suffering.  For details of the types of things you should in the house, visit here.  Remember though, if you do have a medicine cabinet, ensure that all medicines are kept out of the reach of children.

4)    Know where your pharmacist is
When you're not feeling well it's tough to know where to go, so why not use our service finder (insert link) and make a note of your local pharmacy.

5)    Keep an eye on older friends, relatives or neighbours
The winter can be a difficult time, particularly for older people.  This year, do your bit and make sure you keep an eye on elderly friends, relatives or neighbours.  Whether it's a quick phone call or a visit, it all helps.  If they're too unwell to visit their local pharmacy, why not offer to visit on their behalf?