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18 February 2013

New one-to-one support service for people diagnosed with cancer is piloted in Bristol

The NHS in Bristol and Macmillan Cancer Support have joined forces to pilot a new service for local people with cancer to develop new ways of providing care and support for people during and following their cancer treatment. This will enable aftercare to be managed seamlessly between the hospital and the community. 

A total of six new Macmillan posts (nurses, a physiotherapist, an Occupational therapist and cancer support workers) are working across University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, North Bristol NHS Trust, South Gloucestershire Community Health Services and Bristol Community Health CIC. This new service is being funded by Macmillan Cancer Support for two years and during this time it will be available in certain areas of the city or for specific groups of cancer patients. 

The Bristol Macmillan One-to-One Support Service will help people get information and support about living with cancer, including rehabilitation support, benefits and grants, getting back to work and details of other local groups and services that can also offer support. It will also help people to recognise the signs and symptoms of a recurrence of cancer, and will make sure that people are able to access services appropriately. 

Ruth Hendy, Lead Cancer Nurse at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, who has been leading this project for the NHS said; "In Bristol, we know cancer patients can move regularly between the community healthcare services and the different hospitals. As local Bristol cancer services providers, we were thrilled to have the opportunity to become a Macmillan One to One Support Service pilot site, enabling us to work together across the city to provide an integrated support service for Bristol cancer patients. 

Leanne Hall, Macmillan Complex Case Manager at Bristol Community Health said, "When someone is living with a cancer diagnosis, they can have many support and information needs and it can be difficult to know where to turn for this additional help. We recognise the importance of assessing and identifying these individual needs. Through the Macmillan One to One Support Service we will be working with doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists across Bristol,  to offer additional support, information and signposting for people as they move forward following their cancer diagnosis and treatment." 

Maggie Crowe, Macmillan Development Manager added: "Cancer is the toughest fight that many of us can face so it is important that cancer patients are given the right support at the right time. The overall aim of the Macmillan One-to-One Support project is to create a workforce to deliver the best care for people living with and beyond cancer." 

Macmillan Cancer Support is working with 16 partner organisations across the UK to pilot and evaluate the One-to-One Support project, as part of redesigning local care. It is only able to pay for services such as Bristol Macmillan One-to-One Support Service because of the generosity of its supporters. 

If you are interested in being referred to the Bristol One to One Support Service for help and support please contact your existing hospital or community nurse/ doctor / healthcare professional  and they can discuss your referral with you. 

In March we are inviting local people affected by cancer to an open day hosted by Macmillan to highlight some of the support on offer in the community, including a range of talks and practical demonstrations from professionals on how to cope with fatigue, helping employers to support their workforce through cancer, the benefits of physical activity, and expert financial advice too. 

The event takes place on Thursday 14th March at the Bristol and Bath Science Park in Emersons Green. People are invited to drop in anytime between 12pm - 7pm. For more information please contact Area Fundraising Manager Kate Oldham by email at

If you have questions about cancer, or to find out more about how you can help, please visit or call 0808 808 00 00.