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28 October 2013

New Appointment Reminder Service at UH Bristol

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is launching a new reminder system for outpatient appointments. Patients will receive reminders about their appointments via text messages or automated telephone calls.

The first reminder will be sent out seven days before the outpatient appointment and will include the location of appointment, date and time. The second reminder will arrive 24 hours before the appointment.

Patients will be given options to cancel and rebook their appointment and to opt out of the service if they prefer.

Cat McElvaney, Project Manager at UH Bristol, said: "Every year, thousands of patients miss their hospital appointments because they forget when it is. Each missed appointment costs the NHS money, delays treatment and increases waiting times for all patients.

"It's been shown that text message and voice message reminders significantly reduce the number of missed appointments and that's why we have introduced this new system.

"The new system isn't appropriate for all services due to the nature of their work; however the majority of services will be using the new system.

"Patients can help us by making sure that their GP and hospital doctor have their contact details correct."

For more information about the new system please visit our outpatient reminder service webpage.