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16 January 2020

Monthly free health events programme launched

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) has launched its monthly health-themed events programme for 2020. 

These free 'Health Matters' events are held for Foundation Trust members and members of the public to find out more about the different health conditions or service developments, and ask questions.

They are also an opportunity to engage with the hospital other than when just attending an appointment and to meet UH Bristol staff and governors.

John Chablo and Marimo Rossiter, governors for UH Bristol said: "These events are a great way to hear more about the work of the hospitals and for us, as governors, to hear your thoughts and to ensure that we're representing your needs."

The programme for 2020 to date is as follows:

Thurs 23 Jan


Our journey of care - a look back on our journey of care from the origins of our hospitals to the priorities of the past five years

Thurs 27 Feb


Sexual health services - the challenges of accessing contraception and sexual health services and information and new developments in sexual health services in the region

Tues 10 March


Scientists in the NHS - what's the story? Hear from individuals working in the fields of life sciences, physiological sciences, physical sciences and clinical engineering, and bioinformatics.

Weds 8 Apr


Organ donation - find out more about the changes to the law and hear about the practicalities and complexities of what it means to be an organ donor or recipient.

Tues 5 May


Research - hear about some of the research we do in our hospitals and why it makes a difference. 

Tues 30 June


The role of carers - we'll explore the roles of carers and their relationship with our hospitals, so that carers are recognised and supported as equal partners in care.

Weds 22 July


Antibiotic resistance - an overview of the status of antibiotic resistance, some of the solutions being explored, and some of the ways in which you can help yourself and be part of the solution.

Tues 15 Sept


Annual General Meeting - a chance to hear from our Board and governors about the highlights of the past year and plans for the next - and to put your questions to the Board.

For more details and to book your place, please visit the events page, call the membership office on 0117 34 23764 or email

The UH Bristol Arts and Culture programme also hosts an event on every second Wednesday of the month. Places can be booked via Eventbrite, but for more details follow our social media at #UHBristolArts.

You can find out more about becoming a member of UH Bristol here.