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01 July 2011

London 2012 inspiration comes to Bristol Royal Hospital for Children

Young people at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children were today treated to a day of London 2012-inspired Olympic and Paralympic activity, as world record holder and Paralympian, Richard Whitehead, made a special visit to the hospital's school room.

The visit marked the end of a week of activities during Lloyds TSB National School Sport Week at the hospital.  Throughout the week, the children have been taking part in a host of activities inspired by the Olympic and Paralympic Games, including designing their own Olympic Torch, creating new national team flags and showcasing how they are helping bring the London 2012 Games to life in the hospital.

Richard Whitehead, the world record holder for double leg amputees in both the half marathon and marathon distances, spent the morning answering questions from the children about his career, handing out 120 mini London 2012 mascots and talking about his target to run in the marathon for Team GB at the London 2012 Paralympic Games. 

Earlier in the week, the children also enjoyed special visits from Lloyds TSB Local Heroes, Wayne Ingram, an Olympic boxing hopeful, and Phil Cochrane, a Paralympic hopeful who competes in wheelchair basketball. 

Martyn Carter, teacher at the hospital's schoolroom, said:

"Being involved in National School Sport Week has been amazing. Meeting inspirational young Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls has shown our children what is possible if you have a dream and you are prepared to work hard. 

 "The excitement, skill and effort put into our basketball competition captured the London 2012 spirit perfectly, and everyone agreed that taking part as a group of enthusiastic children and adults was really inspirational. It has been a great week for everyone involved."

More than four million young people from schools across Britain have taken part in National School Sport Week 2011 this year, an initiative run in partnership with the Youth Sport Trust.

Lauren Vincent, Fundraising Manager at The Grand Appeal, the charity which exclusively fundraises for the Children's Hospital, said:

"We are so thankful to Lloyds TSB for their fantastic on-going support of Bristol Children's Hospital and The Grand Appeal. This week they have made it possible for young patients to meet inspirational sporting heroes and provided a wonderful array of games and activities too.  I hope that Lloyds TSB's support for the Grand Appeal will continue to support the hospital school for years to come."

National School Sport Week uses the anticipation of London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games to inspire pupils to do more sport and physical activity, with young people invited this year to pledge to set and achieve a personal best in an Olympic or Paralympic sport, individually, with their class or club and at every level. It is part of the London 2012 Get Set+ education programme, where young people can find out more about the Games and explore the Olympic and Paralympic Values as London 2012 approaches.