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29 July 2015

Intensive care nurse raises £10,000 for Cots for Tots Appeal

A staff nurse from the Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at St. Michael's Hospital has celebrated raising £10,000 for the Cots for Tots Appeal.

Grand Appeal 10K NICU nurseEmma Stuart raised the impressive amount by running the fundraising stall at the hospital, which she runs on her days off.

Emma has run the stall for three years, selling Cots for Tots merchandise and other donated items. She celebrated the fundraising milestone by holding a cake sale for hospital staff, patients and visitors.

The Cots for Tots Appeal raises money to support the hospital's NICU, and is part of Wallace & Gromit's Grand Appeal. It also runs Cots for Tots House, a 12-bed family accommodation unit for families whose babies are being treated at the hospital, allowing them to stay close to them at all times. The cost of running the House is entirely funded by the Cots for Tots Appeal.

Emma sells Cots for Tots Appeal keyrings and lanyards, as well as items from the charity's range of 'Gromit Unleashed' and 'Shaun in the City' merchandise. The stall also sells hand-knitted baby blankets and cardigans donated by local supporters.  

Emma said, "I started running the stall in December 2012 and am here for one morning every week, depending on my shifts. Working on the unit, I know first-hand how important the work of the Cots for Tots Appeal is, and how much it means to the families whose babies are undergoing treatment. I'm absolutely th

rilled that the stall has raised such a huge amount.

"All of the nurses here come to know the families really well while their babies are with us, and knowing that my stall is helping to support them is really rewarding."

Anne Clements, manager, Cots for Tots House , said, "Emma truly goes the extra mile to support the families whose babies are on the NICU, giving up her free time every week to run the stall. Emma  has also run the Bristol 10K in support of Cots for Tots, and volunteered for the charity during our 'Gromit Unleashed' trail in 2013. We are very proud to have her as one of our volunteers, and were delighted to help her celebrate reaching this incredible total.

"The money raised will enable us to continue to support the NICU's vital work, as well as provide support to the families who come from all over the south west and further afield for their baby to have treatment at the hospital.

"Cots for Tots House is a hugely important facility for these families. It means they can stay just minutes away from their babies' sides, but also get some all-important respite from the stresses of their child's treatment. We are so grateful for the support of our fantastic fundraisers and volunteers like Emma, who help us to continue to provide this lifeline to parents and families of special care babies."

For more information about the Cots for Tots Appeal, visit