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06 February 2015

Improving quality of care

The Trust is currently consulting on its choice of corporate quality objectives for the next financial year.

These objectives, published in the Trust's annual Quality Account, represent the key areas of quality where we want to see significant change in the year ahead. You will find last year's Quality Account here. The Quality Account is one of the key ways that the Trust demonstrates that its services are safe, clinically effective and that we are providing treatment in a caring and compassionate environment.

A set of draft objectives is presented below. We would be grateful for feedback via an online survey which can be completed here.

Draft objectives:

- Reducing numbers of cancelled operations

- Minimising patient moves between wards

- Ensuring patients are treated on the right ward for their clinical condition

- Improving the quality of patient discharge

- Improving staff-patient communication

- Improving the management of sepsis

- Improving the management of patients at risk of acute kidney injury

- Implementing a new approach to involving patients and the public in the design of services, including better engagement with 'seldom heard' communities of interest

The first three of these proposed objectives have also been objectives for the Trust during 2014/15. Progress to date has been disappointing so we want to maintain our focus on these areas in 2015/16. Earlier in January, we held a consultation event with Trust members, the third and fourth proposed objectives have resulted from what our members told us at this meeting. The proposed objectives relating to sepsis and AKI are objectives from the new Safety Care South West Programme. Finally, we have a proposed objective to implement a new system of patient and public involvement which we have been developing during 2014/15: options currently include the creation of a new Citizens Assembly to give the people of Bristol and the South West a stronger voice within the Trust. 

Do you think these are the right objectives?  Are there particular aspects of care/practice within any of these topics that you feel we should be focussing on? Please let us know via the online survey.

We will close the consultation on Friday 20 February.