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30 January 2020

Improving heating at Bristol’s city centre hospitals

Work is taking place to create a new £10.8million heating and energy system which will contribute towards the Trust's carbon emission reductions.

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) is replacing its existing 1 megawatt (MW) Combined Heat and Power (CHP) engine with a larger 3.36MW CHP and district heating facility which will enable the organisation to efficiently generate more low carbon electricity and heat.

This will reduce the Trust's need to import grid electricity. The district heating also replaces steam, reducing heat losses from the heat network.

In October UH Bristol set ambitious goals to become carbon neutral by 2030.

Sam Willitts, energy and sustainability manager at UH Bristol, said: "This scheme will support these targets by reducing emissions, reducing heat losses, and ensuring a resilient and secure energy supply for our hospitals.

"We're committed to playing our part and leading by example to help protect the environment and this is just one of the ways we're taking action.

"We're also improving our lighting, reducing car journeys via lift-share, walking and cycle to work schemes for staff and reducing single use plastics where we can on our wards, operating theatres and catering. These are just some of the sustainability initiatives under way at the Trust."

Construction work for the scheme began this month (January 2020) and is due to be completed by the end of September 2020.

Vital Energi, who will be carrying out the works, will work closely with the Trust to ensure any disruption is kept to a minimum during construction.

If you have any questions about the CHP project please call 0117 342 4444.

Find out more about sustainability at UH Bristol and some of the other projects under way or planned at /about-us/sustainable-development/