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28 August 2015

Heart failure patients encouraged to learn about their condition

The heart failure team from the Bristol Heart Institute is holding a meeting for patients and their carers to learn more about the condition and how to manage it.

Heart failure affects 900,000 people in the UK, with a rise of 50 per cent predicted by 2030, and around two per cent of the NHS budget is spent treating the condition. In the wider Bristol area, there are around 6,000 people with heart failure.

Consultant cardiologist Angus Nightingale said: "In the last year, around 1,200 patients were admitted to UH Bristol's hospitals with heart failure as one of their conditions. The aim of this event is to provide better links for patients in Bristol with heart failure, and help to build a support network for them and their carers. We're working closely with Bristol Community Health, so there will be a coordinated network of care within hospitals and in the community itself. We would love to see lots of people come to this event."

The event will be an opportunity for patients and carers to meet doctors, and community and hospital specialist nurses to talk about how to manage their condition, and what support is on offer. Pharmacists will be on hand to talk about medicine management, dieticians will offer advice on healthy eating, and physiotherapists will give information about safe and sensible exercise for patients with heart failure.

The event takes place on Wednesday, 9 September, from 2pm to 5pm at the Holiday Inn, Filton Road, Filton, BS16 1QX. If people would like to attend, they should call 0117 342 6592 and leave a message with their name and the number of people attending.