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13 November 2013

Health Matters: Find out how UH Bristol cares for patients with dementia

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust will be holding an event for those interested in hearing about how we care for patients with dementia. The event will be held at the Trust's Education and Research Centre, Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol, BS2 8AE on Monday 18 November 2013, from 3pm to 5pm.

The free event is open to all and those who come will be able to hear about how we care for patients with dementia at our hospitals, the use of treatments, our volunteer befriending scheme supported by the Royal Volunteer Service, and how the British Red Cross, Carers Trust, legal profession and others can support you.  Guests will also meet the Trust's public, patient and staff governors.  Governors represent the interests of patients, public and staff.

Natalie Godfrey, lead nurse for dementia, says:

"The delivery of high quality dementia care requires a skilled knowledgeable workforce and effective leadership across our organisation. Within UH Bristol we have strong strategic leadership and the commitment of 135 'Dementia Champions' to enable us to realise our ambitions.

"UH Bristol's successes were recognised at the Fourth National Dementia Care Awards this month, where I was proudly presented with the 'Best Dementia Nurse Specialist / Dementia Lead Award'. This is a tribute to all the staff across the organisation who consistently strive to improve the care and experience of people with dementia and their families and carers."

Speakers include:

Consultant on dementia at University Hospitals Bristol

Lead Nurse for dementia at University Hospitals Bristol

Alzheimer's Society representative

Legal representative on yours rights as a carer & protecting your loved ones


To book a place, either:

Book online through our website:

(a booking form can be found in the About Us section, under Events)

Email your contact details to

Telephone 0117 342 3764