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15 November 2016

Give a lasting gift this Christmas: Support Bristol children’s hospital

Above & Beyond has launched its Christmas Appeal to raise £20,000 for Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. The special appeal has been created so that people can give a lasting gift in support of the hospital, its patients and their families.

Over 5,000 children will spend the festive period in Bristol children's hospital away from the comfort of their own home, family and friends. Many will be in with winter illnesses such as pneumonia and have to be cared for in isolation, others will be being treated for life-limiting conditions such as congenital heart disease, cancer and cystic fibrosis.

above and beyond christmas appeal

By donating to the Above & Beyond Christmas Appeal, people will be able to help the hospital sprinkle the magic of Christmas across wards and departments.

Each year, the hospital relies on charitable donations to buy festive decorations, fund craft workshops and purchase sensory and specialist equipment for patients and their siblings.

Miranda Webb, Play Specialist at the children's hospital, explains more about the difference the donations will make:

"It's the little things that make all the difference and help us bring Christmas to the patients. We try and make two or three things a day happen that are 'Chrismassy'. We do a lot of arts and crafts activities so children can decorate their rooms and make them as festive as possible.  We also help them make cards and presents for their families so they've got something to give on Christmas Day too - that's really important.

above and beyond christmas appeal 2"We need a constant supply of arts and crafts materials throughout the year - things like card, paint and glitter which allow children to play and just be children. It's surprising how much this all adds up and as there is no NHS budget for it, we rely on the support of others.

The funds from the Christmas Appeal will also help to create comforting environments and provide new state-of-the-art facilities and sensory equipment, such as light panels, outdoor glockenspiels and mirrors, to provide mental and physical stimulation. These can cost as much as £1,000 and are constantly in demand.

Sarah Talbot-Williams, CEO of Above & Beyond added:

"This appeal provides the opportunity for people to give a lasting gift this Christmas. Hospital can sometimes seem like a scary place but to see how brave and courageous these children are, when faced with things even adults would find difficult, is amazing.

"Your support, really will mean the world to patients and their families. For example, £5 will pay for a ceramic star for children to decorate and give as a gift on Christmas Day."

If you would like to donate, or you know a business that might like to get involved in the appeal, please click here.

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