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10 May 2012

Find out how good nutrition aids recovery

Senior specialist dietitian Rachel Cooke will discuss the importance of nutrition when you are in hospital and the work that University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) does to ensure that patients' nutritional needs are cared for, at a Members for Medicine event - that's free to the public - on Wednesday 16 May at 6pm. 

The presentation will include information about the nutritional screening that is done when patients are admitted, menu planning for patients with a range of dietary requirements and nutritional needs, how ward staff recognise patients who need help with feeding, and the volunteering programme that helps them achieve this. 

The event will be held in Lecture Theatre 1 at UH Bristol's Education Centre, Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol BS2 8AE (opposite the BRI).  Medicine for Members is a series of presentations given by UH Bristol clinicians. 

Patient governor Sue Silvey says:  "Good nutrition is vital in helping patients make a good recovery from illness or an operation.  Rachel Cooke will talk about the challenges of ensuring all patients' nutritional needs are assessed and met and how special diets are catered for.  I hope you will join us for this free event. This session will be very interesting and informative and it will be an excellent opportunity to ask questions." 

To book your place, please contact the Membership Office by email: or call 0117 342 3764