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06 December 2013

Dr Foster Hospital Guide 2013 highlights UH Bristol’s Strong Performance

The Dr Foster Hospital Guide 2013, published today, has highlighted University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust as having significantly lower than expected mortality rates over the past three years and as having lower than expected 28 day emergency readmission rates for patients treated on weekdays and weekends.  

This is the 12th edition of the Dr Foster Guide which is an independent assessment of NHS hospitals, highlighting variations in care and also celebrating success within the NHS.

Dr Sean O'Kelly, medical director UH Bristol, says: "Our consistently higher than expected survival rates over the past three years are an indication of our constant focus on providing high standards of safety and quality of care to our patients seven days a week.  Care out of hours and on weekends is as important as the care patients receive during the week and I am particularly pleased that our emergency readmission rates for patients treated on weekdays and weekends is lower than expected.

"However, we know that we need to improve on the length of time patients wait for surgery after they are admitted to us with a fractured hip. We have already made improvements in this area and since September this year 90 per cent of patients admitted with a fractured hip have been operated on within 36 hours."