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03 November 2015

Doctor nominated for ‘excellence in teaching’ award

Mark Devine

A junior doctor at University Hospitals Bristol has been praised by his peers for providing outstanding teaching.

Dr Mark Devine, a registrar on the older person's assessment unit in the new Bristol Royal Infirmary ward block, has been nominated by doctors three times this year for the 'excellence in teaching' award.

The medical education department, based at the Education and Research Centre, invites medics every month to nominate a doctor they've undergone training with for the accolade.

Dr Rebecca Aspinall, director of medical education at UH Bristol and consultant in anaesthesia, said:

"Hundreds of doctors provide high quality teaching across the Trust so to have one doctor being nominated for the excellence in teaching award on multiple occasions is truly outstanding. This has never happened before. High quality education is the backbone of patients being safe in the NHS and at UH Bristol we celebrate the efforts made by all our training specialists and consultants in educating our current and future doctors.

"One of Mark's talents is explaining complex topics clearly. He is a great credit to the hospital because his engaging and informative teaching has enhanced the knowledge of junior doctors."

Dr Devine provides formal teaching through lectures on conditions and treatments, along with on the ward training for junior doctors. He also provides ward-based teaching for medical students from the University of Bristol when he takes them on tours of the ward, explains resources and oversees discussions with patients about their illness and experience in hospital.

In one lecture he gave recently on hyponatraemia, a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low, all the doctors attending gave him five out of five on all aspects of the talk they were asked about. These included high quality teaching, good knowledge of the subject and an approachable manner.

Dr Devine said: "My style of teaching is to help trainees understand the physiology behind a condition so that they can manage it better. I encourage them to ask questions and come to their own conclusion about a case. This is the best way to learn.

"I enjoy teaching. It's immensely rewarding to help people improve their understanding. It's great to be in a situation where you have bright people asking questions that you have not thought about before. This also helps you improve your own grasp of a topic and thus your clinical practice."