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04 July 2014

Ctrl Alt Donate – UWE Bristol video gamers celebrate charity event success

UWE Bristol students will present over £700 worth of games to the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children on Friday 4 July 2014, raised through Ctrl Alt Donate - a 25 hour gaming event held at the UWESU Students Union on Frenchay Campus.

Ctrl Alt Donate - took place in October, organised by student Martin Campbell-Moore, in partnership with UWESU's Video Gaming Society. It saw over 50 students stay up from 14:00 to 14:00 the following day, challenging each other to video games, board games, guitar hero and more.  See link to youtube video here.

The students raised over £700 enabling them to buy a selection of board games and computer games specified by the play team at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. As the event was such a success, the Ctrl Alt Donate team were also able to purchase an iPad for the hospital which will be used not only for entertainment but also as a distraction tool during painful procedures.

The games will be presented on Friday at the hospital by UWE Bristol BSC(Hons) Computer Systems Integration student Martin Campbell-Moore, lead organiser of the event, and Hannah Khan - UWESU's Vice President for Societies and Communication.

Mature student, Martin Campbell-Moore, said, "I'm very proud of everyone who made this event such a success and overwhelmed by the generosity of the donations. We were all hugely motivated to do our best for this fantastic cause - Bristol Royal Hospital for Children - recognising the incredible bravery of the children and hope that in some small way these games will help their time in hospital.

"I was moved to tears that in addition to all the games on the hospital wishlist, we were also able to donate an ipad, which we've had inscribed with a message from Ctrl Alt Donate. In addition to all the brilliant students who really got stuck in with the organising of the event, I'd really like to thank Hannah Khan and Bethany Squire in the SU for all their help and support and to my course mate Matt Ribbins who at the last minute fixed up the internet connection, without which the event could not have run.

"I think that at UWE Bristol, the students here are really special, and there is a real passion for volunteering and fundraising amongst them. So much so that some of the graduates who took part last year - have already signed up for this year."  

Lynne Barlow, hospital play specialist at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, said, "We are thrilled to have been chosen to benefit from the charity gaming event, Ctrl Alt Donate at UWE Bristol.  The generous donation will mean lots of new toys and games to play with for patients and young people at the hospital. The iPad will be in demand for everything from normalising and sensory play sessions to a distraction tool for patients undergoing difficult or painful procedures and treatments."

Martin Campbell-Moore has just started in the role of Fundraising and Events Officer at UWESU and has plans to make Ctrl Alt Donate an annual event not only at UWE Bristol but across universities in the UK. He adds, "We'll be running Ctrl Alt Donate again at UWE Bristol on Saturday 25 October, a 25 hour event, to mark the clocks rolling back.  This year's event will involve universities across the South-West with a view to rolling it out across Universities throughout the UK for future events. I think that this event has the potential to be epic and it's just as important to me as graduating from my degree."