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14 May 2013

Celebrate International Clinical Trials Day with UH Bristol

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) will join organisations and individuals around the world on Monday 20 May to celebrate International Clinical Trials Day. The day commemorates the first ever clinical trial carried out in 1747 comparing different agents for their effectiveness in treating scurvy. 

International Clinical Trials Day will be celebrated across the Trust during the day and at a public event from 5-7pm on Monday 20 May, at its Education and Research Centre on Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol.

The event will start at 5pm withrefreshments, posters and displays about research taking place at UH Bristol, plus general information about clinical trials. This will then be followed by some short talks from members of staff undertaking research at the Trust. These include:

How to do research in an emergency - Professor Jonathan Benger, director of the Academic Department of Emergency Care, University of the West of England and consultant in emergency medicine, UH Bristol.

Preserving muscle mass in patients in the Intensive Care Unit - Judith Edwards, research physiotherapist at UH Bristol. 

Why young people take part in research - Phoebe Moulsdale and Michelle Ross, research nurses at UH Bristol, members of the Medicines for Children Research Network Young Person's Advisory Group. 

Professor David Wynick, director of research at UH Bristol says:  "We are delighted to be celebrating our research across the Trust with staff, patients and the public on International Clinical Trials Day next week. Our priority is to develop and deliver high quality research so that we can improve the services we provide for patients at UH Bristol and across the NHS."

Clinical trials remain the best way of proving whether a new treatment is effective. Currently there are 380 clinical trials taking place at UH Bristol and 600 research studies open. Within the Trust, research holds the key to transforming care for our patients. In some areas research is integrated with clinical care and the vast majority of patients are offered the chance to take part in a trial.

International Clinical Trials Day is celebrated around the world on 20 May in order to raise awareness and inform people about clinical research. It marks the day that the first clinical trial was started by James Lind in 1747. While a ship's doctor on HMS Salisbury, he carried our experiments to discover the best treatment for scurvy, the symptoms of which included loose teeth, bleeding gums and haemorrhages.

Lind selected 12 sailors suffering from scurvy, and divided them into six pairs, giving each pair a different treatment: cider, seawater, garlic with mustard and horseradish, vinegar, sulphuric acid (a few drops!) or oranges and lemons. Those fed the citrus fruit experienced a remarkable recovery.

To find out more about clinical research taking place at UH Bristol please visit /research-innovation