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30 June 2015

Burns research at UH Bristol benefits from marvellous charity grant

Burns nurses at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children are exploring new ways to address the emotional and psychological effects of burns injuries, thanks to funding from Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity.

The team have been awarded £14,647 to study patient's and families' experiences of burn care, and their emotional and psychological needs following a serious burn injury. They will also assess the support that is currently available and identify any ways in which the services could be improved.

Karen Coy, senior research nurse at the Healing Foundation Children's Burns Research Centre at BRHC, said: "This is a great opportunity, provided by the Roald Dahl Marvellous Children's Charity, to allow nurses to lead their own research projects and focus on an area of children's healthcare that is less understood and researched, to implement changes which go on to improve care for this group of children."

The project team will also develop a short film for children, parents and staff to illustrate the feelings and emotions associated with burns injuries, and develop targeted support information for use in the wider burns nursing community.

Richard Piper, CEO of Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity, said "Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity has been creating new Roald Dahl specialist children's nurse posts around the UK for more than twenty years, and we will continue to do so. Now, we also want to empower nurses to act upon their ideas by helping them to lead on their own innovative and practical research. All good children's nurses see the child, not the condition. This insight, combined with their day-to-day experiences at the frontline of care, makes nurses brilliantly placed to spot new ideas for improvements."

Sophie Dziwinski, programme manager at Road Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity, said "We are delighted to be working with the twelve selected nurse teams from the across the UK, many of whom are already busy working on their projects.  The projects we have chosen cover a wide range medical disciplines and each project is unique in its approach to improving children's care. We are excited to see how each team progresses."

The BRHC project is one of 12 nurse-led research projects designed to improve the quality of care for seriously ill children and young people. The projects, which are spread across the UK, have been funded through the charity's Marvellous Nurse Inventing Room scheme, with support from the Burdett Trust for Nursing.