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09 October 2012

Bristol’s clinical trials units awarded full registration

Clinical Trials Units play an important role in helping to deliver quality research projects and two units in Bristol have been awarded full registration by the UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC). 

The two units to receive full registration are the Bristol Randomised Trials Collaboration (BRTC), based within the University of Bristol's School of Social and Community Medicine, and the Clinical Trials and Evaluation Unit (CTEU) based within the University's School of Clinical Sciences and Bristol Heart Institute. 

The units were two of 46 clinical trials units (CTU) that have been registered following the 2012 review process, which was led by an International Review Committee of experts. 

Professor Tom Walley, Director of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Evaluation, Trials and Studies Programmes, said: "The NIHR continues to recognise the important and crucial role played by Clinical Trials Units (CTUs) in helping to deliver quality research projects. This registration process confirms the international standard quality of units in the UK and that the units are capable of delivering the high-standard required. The NIHR looks forward to continuing activities in support of these registered units." 

Dr Alan Montgomery, Director of BRTC and Dr Chris Rogers, Director of CTEU, said: "We are delighted to be awarded full registration. UKCRC registration is a measure of quality and only awarded to CTUs that can demonstrate a track record of experience in co-ordinating multi-centre trials, expert staff to develop studies, robust quality assurance systems and evidence of long-term viability of capacity for trials co-ordination." 

Dr Mary Perkins, UH Bristol Deputy Director of Research and Innovation, added: "We are delighted that both these clinical trial units have been awarded full registration by the UKCRC.  It is a testament to the hard work from the teams within the units and to the quality of their work." 

The registration process, which has been running since 2007, is designed to signpost the available high-quality expertise to carry out clinical trials in the UK. Clinical Trials Units are specialist units that include statisticians, trial managers, information technology specialists and clinicians. The Registered Units form a network of UK wide Clinical Trials Units some of which have been registered since the first round of the process in 2007. To be eligible to apply, the Units had to demonstrate they were capable of centrally coordinating multi-centre clinical trials and other well-designed studies, taking overall responsibility for the design, conduct, data management, publicity and analysis of a trial in line with appropriate standards and regulations. 

The registration process was coordinated in the University of Leeds by the UKCRC Registered CTU Network Secretariat on behalf of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration. 

A full list of the Registered Clinical Trials Units is available at