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28 July 2016

BHI roof garden gets makeover

The roof top garden on level 7 of the Bristol Heart Institute has recently been renovated as part of the #mywildcity campaign by Avon Wildlife Trust. Their vision is to create habitats for wildlife in areas all around Greater Bristol and ultimately create a nature reserve across the city.

matt cropped

Matt Collis is the #mywildcity project officer and spoke to us about why he chose to transform an area in our hospital. "This is a great opportunity to show how any space can be transformed into a safe haven for nature, wildlife and - in this case - hardworking hospital staff. My grandad spent a great deal of time in hospital before passing away and I was always in awe of how caring and vigilant the staff were, particularly those working in intensive care. This is my way of giving back to the NHS, whilst also providing a home for wildlife in the middle of this busy city." 

plantingMatt, his landscape design team and volunteers from Skanska UK have worked hard over the three day project to create a peaceful and tranquil retreat for our staff to relax in during their busy shifts. With lots of colourful plants, water features, a bug hotel, bird feeders and a pick-your-own herb patch, the garden will give everyone an opportunity to enjoy nature and wildlife every day at work.

herb garden







bug hotel





Sue Claridge works in the cardiac intensive care unit and is just one of the many staff members who will benefit from this project. "I think it's amazing what they've done with this space, it's like an oasis in a concrete jungle. This garden really means a lot to us as it gives you a place to just stop, think and collect yourself."


A colleague and much loved friend of Sue sadly passed away recently. Sister Bridie Magner-Davis will always be a part of the garden after Sue and other staff members raised funds to buy a bench and planter in her memory. 

in memory ofbench

The garden will certainly be a popular communal area and Sue understands it will require daily maintenance.  "We will be making sure it is well looked after, so this area can be enjoyed by staff and our long-term patients for many years to come." For some patients this garden will be their first experience of the outside after months in their hospital ward.


The Skanska volunteers painted the planters in bright colours and along with all of the garden's features; we hope it will be a truly uplifting place for all. We are so grateful to everyone involved. 



group shot