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14 February 2013

Become a governor - help decide the future of healthcare services in Bristol

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) will shortly be holding governor elections, with successful nominees joining the Council of Governors for a three-year term from June 2013. To help explain what the role entails, three public events will be held in late February and early March. Anyone interested in the role is welcome to come along and find out more.  Speakers will range from the Trust Chairman and current governors to the Trust Secretary and the Membership Manager.  (Please see end of release for details of date, time and place for each event).

Governors play a very important role in the Trust including responsibility for appointing the Chairman and the Non-executive Directors of the Trust, they also contribute to the development of services by reflecting the needs and priorities of people who use the services provided by the Trust. 

Peter Holt, a patient governor, reflecting on his time as a governor, says:  "Giving time to be a patient governor is worthwhile and rewarding. As a past and current patient, I can bring my own experiences to the role." 

To stand for election, you need to be a member of the Trust, you don't need any qualifications, and it's free and simple to join. To be eligible to become a governor, you need to be a resident in the areas served by the Trust, a patient or a carer for a patient who has used our services in the past three years.  Governors should have an interest in the NHS, have the time, energy and enthusiasm to represent the views of others and the desire to shape the quality of healthcare in and around Bristol. 

Training and support is provided to equip governors with the tools to work effectively as part of the Council of Governors, as well as to assist them in furthering the aims and visions of the Trust. Nominations are due to close on 10 April,with a ballot to take place in May. 

The 15 Governor positions for election are:

Four Public Governors:

Bristol area - two vacancies

South Gloucestershire area - two vacancies

Seven Patients and Carers Governors in the following constituencies:

Carers of patients under 16 years - two vacancies

Local patients (who may live in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire) - three vacancies

Patient governors from tertiary areas (who live in the rest of England and Wales) - two vacancies

Four Staff Governors:

Nursing and midwifery - two vacancies

Medical and dental - one vacancy

Other clinical healthcare professional - one vacancy

If you are interested, and would like further information on how to nominate yourself as a potential governor, please come along to one of our events, or contact: 

Maria Fox

Trust Membership Manager

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust

Trust Headquarters

Marlborough Street

Bristol BS1 3NU

Tel: 0117 342 3763


Ballot papers will be distributed to qualifying members on 2 May.

Completed ballot papers must be received by the Independent Scrutineer, Electoral Reform Services Ltd by 27 May.

The regulations governing this election can be obtained from:

The Membership Office (Maria Fox, address above)

Governor election information events will be held in UH Bristol's Education Centre, Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol, BS2 8AE on:

Monday 25 February at 3.00pm for approx one hour

Tuesday 26 February at 5.30pm for approx one hour

Thursday 14 March at 4.00pm for approx one hour