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09 September 2015

Annual Members’ Meeting

Come along to our Annual Members' Meeting and hear more about the latest at UH Bristol 

Members and the general public will have the chance to find out about the latest developments at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust when the Trust holds its Annual Members' Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 15 September.

Doors will open at 4:30 pm with an opportunity to browse display stands and speak to staff, who will be showcasing their activities and achievements. There will also be displays from charities Above and Beyond and The Grand Appeal about their fundraising work for the Trust.

The formal part of the meeting begins at 5pm, with a review of what has happened over the past year and a look at what is on the horizon for University Hospitals Bristol. This year's event will include a presentation from the clinical lead for the region's paediatric major trauma centre, Dr Giles Haythornthwaite. Following transfer from Frenchay last May, the centre now runs from Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. A year on, we hear how the service is improving outcomes for children who have life-threatening injuries.

There will also be a question and answer session and a chance to meet with the Trust Board of Directors and Governors, before the meeting closes at 7pm.

University Hospitals Bristol chairman John Savage said: "It has been a momentous year for the NHS, with increasing demand for NHS services. At this year's AGM, you can hear more about how we are facing these challenges, and our achievements of the past 12 months, with updates from me, chief executive Robert Woolley, and members of our senior management team. We are not immune from the national challenges, but our transformational way of working is bringing positive results."

The event is free to attend and open to all. Refreshments will be available on arrival. Please contact the Trust in any of the following ways to book your place or let us know any question you would like answered at the meeting.  Advance questions will get priority during the question and answer session:

•             email

•             phone 0117 342 3764

•             or fill out the registration form available here: /healthmatters - includes poster and programme for the meeting.