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26 June 2018

500 health books up for grabs!

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust's Library and Knowledge Service is supporting the city-wide NHS70 celebrations by giving away 500 free brand new best-selling health books to members of the public.

The Library and Knowledge Service is here to ensure that UH Bristol staff, learners, patients, and the public, have access to essential health information and evidence.

The library team will be at Bristol Central Library on Monday 2 July and in the foyer of the Bristol Royal Infirmary from 10am on Tuesday 3 July, so you can take your pick!

There is a huge evidence base around the value of reading to support health and wellbeing, and libraries have a role as a non-stigmatised space that is both welcoming and empowering for people with health concerns.

The free books being given away cover topics such as eating well on a budget, giving up smoking, losing weight, and mindful drinking, and can help you on a path to a longer, healthier life.

The books are free for everyone. The service asks that once you've read the book you pass it on to somebody else in Bristol and drop us an email at to let us know what you thought.