Survey tips and useful links
The Trust's survey programmes
As part of the Trust's committment to understanding and
improving patient experience, each month a random sample of the
following patients / service users are sent a postal
- 1000 patients aged 12+
- 200 parents of 0-11 year olds
- 300 women who have given birth at the Trust
The questionnaire they are sent contains around 30 questions
(including an open comments box), mainly selected from the
national patient surveys. With response rates at around 50%, these
surveys allow us to generate patient experience data down to
individual wards. This data supports a number of improvement
programmes across the Trust, such as the monthly Trust Board
quality dashboard, Divisional Patient Experience Action Plans, and
the Productive Ward displays.
At the time of writing (July 2012), nearly 30,000 people have
taken part in the monthly survey. Furthermore, within certain
confidentiality constraints, all of the data in this database is
linkable back to the Patient Administration System (PAS). It
is therefore possible to break the data down by any variable
held on PAS (e.g. specialty, primary diagnosis, demographics).
In addition to the monthly survey programme, the Trust carries
out a bi-annual outpatient survey, which generates responses from
around 2,500 patients. Again this data is linkable to PAS.
We welcome enquiries into the use of this dataset for patient
experience projects. Please contact
/ x23638 to discuss this further.
This survey has been possible due to funding from the Above
& Beyond Charity.
Patient surveys from the Picker Insititute
There are many patient experience surveys in existence and so it
is often best to "cherry pick" questions from those
questionnaires that have already been validated on patients.
Wherever possible patient experience questionnaires should use
questions from the following source:
If you are carrying out a staff satisfaction survey, you may
find that you can use some questions from the National Staff Survey Question Bank.
National NHS Staff Survey 2012 Generic Module: Staff Survey 2012
Health & Safety Module, Staff Survey 2012 Leadership
Module, Staff Survey 2012 Patient Experience
If your questionnaire is made up of questions from the Picker
Insitute or National Staff Survey then you will usually be eligible
to have your survey fast-tracked through the QIS process. This
means you will not have to wait for the monthly meeting to have
your project reviewed / approved and that we will only really be
checking your covering letter, methodology and formating.
Designing Your Own Survey
If you design your own questionnaire, the format of your final
questionnaire should look something like this: UH Bristol Example Survey Questions. The key
things to look out for here are:
- A Trust logo in the top right corner of the first page
- A short title
- use question numbers
- Response boxes located to the left of each response option,
that are symbols rather than drawings (you can cut and paste these
directly from the example survey)
- Arial 12 as standard (response boxes are 20)
- If possible, the flow of the questions should follow the
"patient journey" and splitting into different sections can be
useful (sometimes a short intro at the start of each section can
also be useful to help to jog people's memories)
- To save paper you can align response options across the
- You should route people through the questionnaire based on
what questions they need to complete (e.g. Q11 of the
- Statement-type questions, or several questions with the same
response options, can be organised into a grid format (Q12)
- Use comments boxes (rather than doted lines) for comments
- At the end of the questionnaire, thank participants for their
time and provide instructions on how they should return the
- Don't use acronyms / abbreviations
- If you are doing a postal survey you must do everything you
can to ensure that a questionnaire isn't sent to someone who has
died. The IT department (e.g. your Divisional IT analyst) should be
able to advise on running a deceased-check.