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NIHR i4i TRAPS Project (2015-2017)


Transmission - Radiotherapy Active Pixel System (TRAPS): Towards a Clinical Prototype for Real-Time 2D Verification of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy.




Many cancer patients are treated using X-ray irradiation. For some cancers this is very difficult if the tumour is located close to organs sensitive to radiation. Advances in the way radiotherapy is delivered to patients means that tumours can be much more accurately targeted, greatly reducing the damage to surrounding tissue and sensitive organs.  Finely engineered components in the treatment machine shape the radiation field directed at the tumour; if the beam components are misaligned or are delivered in the wrong sequence, it may not be easily recognised or immediately spotted. Errors can result in the wrong treatment being delivered, or as in some high-profile cases, delivery of a fatal overdose. Checks are made before, and ideally during, treatments to avoid such errors. The patient radiation dose needs reporting across the whole radiation field and the radiation beam monitored without perturbing it.

Our project team has developed a novel method for detecting errors during treatment using a thin silicon panel that does not interfere with the upstream radiation beam. The system, related to digital camera technology, is fast and cost-effective, has been proven to work for a range of standard radiotherapy treatments and will now be extended to work for new radiation delivery systems which move during treatment. The aim is to speed up data collection and validate the system for real-time intervention in cases of error. This will enable reporting of serious deviations from the planned treatment and provision of detailed dose distribution reports. Any errors can then be dealt with prior to treatment completion.



This project was a collaboration between clinical scientists, medical physicists, radiographers and academics in the Medical Physics & Bioengineering Department (MPB) in UH Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust, the HH Wills Physics Laboratory at the University of Bristol, the College of Medicine in Swansea University, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (STFC) and industrial partners, IBA and vivaMOS.  The project was led by Dr Diane Crawford who is now retired but was a former Director of MPB.  The focus of the project was on further development of the detector, covering a larger radiation field, extending from a static to a dynamic system, commercial collaboration and clinical application.



The outcome of the project was the development of a novel radiation detector with low beam attenuation (ie minimal reduction in treatment beam intensity) and improved resolution, compared with competing devices capable of monitoring errors during the treatment of cancer with radiation (radiotherapy).  This project focused on redesigning our earlier device to demonstrate our ability to monitor treatment of new dynamic radiation delivery systems that move during beam delivery e.g. Volume Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT), and cover larger treatment areas, more typically required clinically.  We also developed methods to speed up data collection and determined that the system is capable of real-time intervention in cases of error.  This will enable reporting of serious deviations from the planned treatment and provision of detailed dose distribution reports. Any errors can then be dealt with prior to treatment completion. 

During the project we sought input from patient and clinical users and there was keen interest in this project at two focus group workshops which we hosted.  Understanding how this device is viewed by patients has enabled us to establish key design features for the final detector design.  Patient and user representatives also contributed to project steering group meetings and their desire to ensure this development becomes a clinical reality has also been a key motivator for the project team.


Team expertise in fabrication of radiation detectors and modelling of clinical radiation equipment enabled us to achieve the major project objectives.  For 2 years the project work focused on using Achilles sensors (6 x 6 cm) available for purchase when the project work started.  Subsequently a larger sensor (LASSENA) became available for purchase which could cover a greater treatment field area. NIHR agreed to our extending the project time to enable us to demonstrate the potential for using this sensor within the TRAPS system. Our results have been encouraging and detailed discussions continue post-project with key commercial companies who are actively considering bringing the device to market.